Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Man, they are lucky bastards

So I've said it before and I'll say it again--no matter how much I loathe the G.O.P. (and belive me, loathe I do), they sure know how to play the game. So remember how there were these tapes "leaked" to the New York Times of Bush having a deep conversation with a "long-time" friend? They're the ones in which he may have admitted to smoking weed (see below). Well, it turns out this person isn't a friend, but a Republican strategist. And it turns out, it really appears as if the entire conversation was scripted to make Bush look like a really loveable guy who's struggling with important questions in life. You know, as opposed to the scheming bastard that most of us see him as. This is the exact style of Bush's little buddy Karl Rove:

1) Carefully script something that makes your guy look superhuman
2) "Accidentally" release it to the press
3) Pretenf to get mad at the press for playing it up, even though it makes your guy look great
4) Trick the majority of the public into believing you're not evil

It's a pretty ingenious strategy, and it work's the other way as well. Remember when Joseph Wilson questioned Bush's entirely false claims on yellow cake uranium, and then his wife's identity as an undercover CIA operative was "accidentally" leaked to the press? Isn't it amazing how accidents always seem to work out in favor of the president? Must be luck.

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